Saturday, December 10, 2005

I'm okay to type!

Seiroushy- abluteyt, no, really, I! It's mine! Gettoffame...3oijfhnvdslkanxxxx..

This blog is being temporarily co-opted for its owner's own sake. - Did you get his phone? Good. - Mikey's indisposed. Since he's logged in already, I may as well fill you in. He should be fine, later. Hold on - No, it's ok, he'll just find more if you take it away.

Anyway, he saw The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe - we think he liked it, because he got overly excited about the fact that it started snowing while he was in the theater. Apparently, the White Witch did something for him, the sicko.

A big thank you to the marketing genius who put the trailer for Pirates of the Carribean 2 on it. Yeah, we know you're a Pirate King, Logan - now shut up! He added Captain Morgan to that foul concoction he drinks, and that didn't help at all. Please tell him when he's able to listen that nobody likes that "Prepare to be boarded!" line, and the booty jokes get old.

MIKE! PUT THAT AWAY! Nobody wants to see your plank!

I have to go - Captain Chunder here is a bit of a handful. Oh, but also, you might want to tell him that crappy folk songs aren't even close to sea chanteys. Yo, ho, ho.

So, ladies, this is as close to blogging as I get. Hello. Goodbye.


At 6:39 AM, Blogger ann said...

Hello JM; I am LMHO ..... you are soooooooo funny and cracking me up.
Sound likes a good time was had by one and all. Wish I could've been there.

How's Mikey this morning ~ is he feeling sorry for himself? Just put him to bed and let him sleep it off, huh.

Goodbye and lotsa luv ann xxxxx

At 7:20 AM, Blogger Criminal Minds Fan said...

You really should give blogging a chance before you walk away from it. You would be great. :)

At 7:21 AM, Blogger Adina said...

Yes Munch, he is the pirate king. He's confessed that when the booze was still yet to come. ::shakes head:: Good luck with him.

At 8:21 AM, Blogger Shadow of a Joke said...

Nice to hear from you JM, would love to hear from you more. Have fun puting Mike to bed.

At 10:28 AM, Blogger ann said...

Munch, I keep telling Mikey I know a nice Jewish girl who'd be perfect for you ...... r u interested?

She's beautiful and brilliant

lotsa luv ann

At 11:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMAO! Munchman! What an excellent rendition of your night with Mikey. Lol, I would have loved to be in the same theater as you and Mikey while seeing that movie....Oh well.

Mikey sober up...


At 12:01 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

hahahahahaha!! Yay Munch! Sounds like a pretty wild time over there. Of course now when I see Pirates 2, this is what I will be thinking about!

At 12:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone's gonna be sick. Maybe for a while.

And, JM, you need to change your settings. Some of us haven't taken the plunge into blogdom yet and would still like to be part of the mix.

At 12:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Coulda been worse. He could have started screaming "I am the Lizard King" lol

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Faye_Hart said...

Oh, please....Can I be Lilly the Pirate Queen?....LOL :)

At 9:18 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh man! Mikey, she found you!!

At 10:44 PM, Blogger penguin_girl76 said...

To borrow a phrase from Anonymous:

Subway Chick go away.

At 10:58 PM, Blogger penguin_girl76 said...

ps. hey munch, I posted on your blog already. can't wait for your conspiracy theories.

At 1:18 AM, Blogger Ames said...

Oh Munch, yay!! :-)

"Pirate King"... Heh heh... that "shake it pirate-style" line makes a lot more sense now LOL!

I love it!

At 6:28 AM, Blogger Deb Walsh said...

I saw the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe on Fri. and excellent film.

At 4:57 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

John, everyone knows you're full of sh*t!

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Caitlin Shaw said...

I am cracking up!!! This was so funny, and I still want to hear Mike's side of the story!!


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