Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Of Holidays and Filler

I've been kind of worried about Carolyn, and now, on top of that, I'm having problems with my new partner. Wheeler's okay, but she just doesn't get some of the rules. One rule is if you have a delicious pastry, the reserve time on that is limited.
I can't let the world's best brownie (with peanut butter cream under the frosting!) sit there unappreciated. I told her it was there. I reminded her every hour on the hour. She kept saying "I'll eat it later."
At the end of the day, she started hollering about the missing brownie. Excuse me? It would have lost the peak of freshness. I'm here to prevent crimes, not assist in them, and letting that tasty, tasty brownie become less-than-perfect would have been majorly criminal. I simply could not allow that. It's not in my nature.
Someone should tell Wheeler that cops don't call other cops "pig." It's very hurtful.


At 2:48 PM, Blogger Ames said...

You know, I just don't see why she doesn't understand your reasoning. It makes perfect sense. And I must say, I would probably have taken the same preventative police action had I been under the same circumstances. Peanut butter cream? Oh yeah. You definitely needed to save that brownie from the certain doom of anti-freshness which undoubtedly awaited it.


At 6:00 PM, Blogger Carolyn Barek said...

I've been kind of worried about Carolyn

You do know her number and where she lives. You could stop by, then maybe she will stop posting comments in third person. She is doing better by the way :)

At 12:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should have known somebody that cute would be less than perfect, but that kind of behaviour is despicable.

At 1:39 PM, Blogger ann said...

in this instance Mike, if that was my brownie you'd filched, I'd've thumped ya myself ;>)


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