Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Part the First:

Whew. The traditional Mike Logan Day After Christmas Lie-In is complete. If you start the clock at the time I went to bed, instead of being persnickety and saying "it starts at midnight," I managed to skip December 26 altogether. A major triumph, because I dislike Boxing Day - or the mass-consumerfest, as I like to call it - immensely.
So, now that I have regained conciousness, here's what happened, day and night.

How I Spent Christmas
By Mike Logan, age N.O.Y.B.

As for the morning, Bobby Goren was in a real funk for most of it, I'll note. I tried to get him to come around, but really, I've got stuff on my mind, too, and maybe I didn't try hard enough.
It's not my fault some perfidious wench played a song that got stuck in my head, therefore insuring that I spent a good deal of time drumming the desk as I worked. And like I told him when he asked what I thought I was doing, I can't even bring myself to say the full title, so let's just say it's the one that starts with "Peaches'."
I tried to interact with him on a intellectual level, discussing the social construct of the "polite fiction" and the nature of the phenomena known as the "Porn Trance" and "Porn Drift"- the interweb is educational! - but he just asked me whether I wouldn't like to go take my lunch break, and you only have to hit me with the clue-by-four so hard before I get the drift.
Anyhow, so I wandered about a bit, as I am wont to do, and found - an open drugstore! More wonderously, it was one that was having a sale on Pepto-bismol pills, which counts as a Festivus Miracle. I was so happy. Then I reflected on the reason I've been chowing down antacids like mad, and gave her a call.
She sounded like she was still trying to get over the past two days, kinda groggy and weak, but when I suggested I stop by, she perked right up. "NO! she screamed so loud the counter guy could hear her. "I mean - I don't think that's such a good idea, there's still a teeny bit of a, well, you know how you overreact, and it's only sort of, uh, you know, just not a good idea."
"Relax, "I told her. "I don't even want to see what horrors have befallen the joint. Meet me downstairs?"
Fifteen minutes later, I arrived at my place, olive branch in a brown paper bag. Once I rang the buzzer, she stumbled outside, looking a lot more like the version of herself I remember from college - half-naked and mostly hungover.
"Merry Christmas to you, o evil one. It's not the blood of your enemies, or the cursed eye of an idol, but it'll have to do." I said, handing her the sentimental token I'd gotten her. When I saw it in the store, I remembered the first holiday I'd ever spent with her, which was really, really fun, in a Lost Weekend sort of way.
She even teared up a little, looking at it. "Grape flavor, my favorite." She pretended to read the label, but I knew she was touched. Even managed a smile, without the fangs, as she said, "You know, I quit this stuff, a long time ago. Tablets mess you up a lot more. And I find I'm actually buying it for cold symptoms - who'd have thought it? Weren't we supposed to be dead by now?"
I shrugged. "I know. It's really weird, hunh?"
She cracked it open, and handed me the little cup from the top. "So, a drop of the 'tussin for old times, then?"
"What the hell. I feel a cough coming on." We clinked the cup and the bottle together, and did our usual toast, quoting the wisdom of our mothers and the nuns who knew us best.
"You're headed for hell, Michael Logan, straight to the devil's bosom," she said with a grin.
"You're a decietful slut, Kate Dobrynski, and you'll never amount to a damn thing." I added. "Bottoms up."
After the one drink, I said I had to get going. We still need to talk, and she knows it, but that wasn't the day. It's like the Germans and the Allies playing football. You can have a break in the war to have a bit of fun.

The day could only get more normal from then on in, right? If you said "yes," you obviously haven't been paying attention.


At 6:46 AM, Blogger Mike said...

You'd think so, wouldn't you? Not that I don't encourage that sentiment for a select group of people....

But they were playing the Bush/Blairversion, and, well, it's really funny.....

And you know what? I don't like either song stuck in my head while working alone with BG. In that context, they are BOTH gross and inappropriate.

At 6:47 AM, Blogger ann said...

Huh .... I thought I sent Bobby off to work with a smile on his lips, a twinkle in his eye and a spring to his step .... and he "was in a real funk" ... hmmmm

Mikey, Mikey, have you tried Gaviscon ~ works a treat, oh and I love these educational sites you lead me to. I've learnt such a lot since I've met you (LOL)

Mikey, are you getting a bit maudlin? Sounds like a little nostalgia is creeping in.

Hope you feel better today; try detox.

lotsa luv ann

p.s. what's your view on peanut butter?

At 6:50 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Fun and tasty, but hard to remove from sheets....

At 7:03 AM, Blogger ann said...

Ha Ha Ha ....

you were referring to the gaviscon, weren't you?

lotsa luv ann xxxxx

At 7:27 AM, Blogger Mike said...

No, the PB. And getting it in your hair is no picnic, either.

Speaking of fun condiments, you know what I almost picked up? One of those weird "chocolate fountains." But I've been burned - literally - one too many times with improperly heated foodstuffs, and after the raspberry jam incident, I'm really reluctant to go much above room temperature. I think the scar's mostly covered up from that one, and it's not like I can see it, anyway, but the pain lives on in memory...

At 7:28 AM, Blogger ann said...

Mikey, Mikey you are soooooooooo funny, you crack me, etc etc etc

Stick to chocolate body paint; much silkier, yummier and just slides off the tongue.

Hot jam ...... it hurts just to think about it.

lotsa luv ann xxxxx

p.s. this talk is no good for me; I've got the spend the rest of the day with mother

At 9:16 AM, Blogger Sara said...

Lol, Mikey, you are to much.

You drink Robitussin WILLINGLY!?!
That stuff is sooooo gross! Nasty. I'd rather poke my eyes out.

Anyways, I am happy that you had a little break from the WWIII that inflicted you. Have nice chats with enemies can be nice.

Happy Tuesday Mikey...


At 10:27 AM, Blogger Faye_Hart said...

The naught monkey is still in residence I see. ;) I prefer chocolate pudding or mousse myself, just make sure the sheets are not your faves.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

TPK-i thought u were talking about me there for a minute when u said wench. "The traditional Mike Logan Day After Christmas Lie-In" sounds like a tradition I shall adopt!

At 2:03 PM, Blogger Chloe' Gardner said...

Mikey- You're not right! BTW on my "Borrowed Quiz", the only reason I didn't put you on there, was because I'd have to tell the truth, and you know, I do try to be nice, well- except to Nicole.

At 2:23 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Sara -
The 'tussin is an old, bad habit, back from when we used to drink lighter fluid and othersuch on dares. Comparitively, the 'tussin is delish.
KD and I did not hang with the best o'crowds.
Happy Tuesday, too!

Chloe -
What? What am I not right about? Hot jam hurts, I tellya, especially applied to tender areas.

I've supplied you with the truth back over there, too....

At 3:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd forgotten what a good, honest laugh was. Now I have the giggles. I am not a 'giggly' person. Mike, I love your blog:)

At 3:41 PM, Blogger Criminal Minds Fan said...

Mike: I can always count on your blog for a laugh. Thanks for that! :)

At 5:12 PM, Blogger eliza said...

I love coming over here,always leave with a smile.

I wish I could have slept through Boxing Day,too many people,too much food,not enough booze!!

eliza xxxxx

At 7:11 PM, Blogger Faye_Hart said...

D&D crowd all through high school, college, and still occasionally. :)

At 12:35 AM, Blogger kacey said...

Mike, please tell me you never huffed scotch-guard (spelling?).

Bad habits linger. Spoken fron experience.


At 3:16 AM, Blogger Mike said...

Nope. No huffing beyond the experimental grade-school level.

Fun with nitrous, on the other hand....back in college, we used to break out the giggle gas a lot.

At 5:03 AM, Blogger Jules said...

Dear God, Mikey. I never thought of chugging Robitussin....and I'm in a Muslim country where alcohol is forbidden.

All those drunken nights I could have had.....


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