Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Pondering the Options

I was about to lug out the dartboard o' decisions, but then I thought "Hey, why not ask around?" The interweb has to be useful somehow, right?

So, here's the list:

1) Alex Eames - Pros: Breathing, walking, hot. Cons: Throws things. May break off straying hand, and stuff down throat.

2) Carolyn Barek - Pros: Breathing, walking, hot. Cons: Isn't taking your partner kinda like taking your sister to the prom?

3) LillyfromPhilly - Pros: Supposedly breathing, walking, hot. Cons: Met on cop chat site, heard her nickname is coldcase. That can't be good.

4) Benson, from SVU - Pros: Breathing walking, hot. Cons: Maybe dating her partner, who seems a little...intense.

I have others, of course. There's a nurse I met the other day, that ex of mine may not have moved overseas yet (don't ask) , I think I hooked up with someone I only know as Munch-ette (again, don't ask) and the list goes on. But those are the top 4. And YES, subway girl is out of the question. She thinks my name is "Amaury Vachon" anyway, and nobody better tell her different.


At 2:00 PM, Blogger Chloe' Gardner said...

Yeah, I'd probably scratch Benson off too- Beautiful woman, but watch out for Elliot, I think he'd claw anyone's eyes out who even looked at her- ;0)

Best of luck- I'll be seeing you there! :0)

At 2:05 PM, Blogger Laura Elizabeth said...

Dating co-workers is never a good plan. However, couldn't the four of you go together as a group?

"Coldcase"... hmm, that doesn't sound promising. Have any more details about her? And, is she from Philly? If so that's a long haul for one night.

Benson isn't exactly laid back either. But if you're planning on not going home alone, I wouldn't ask her. Possible crazy-ass boyfriend is one reason, but you do work for the same "company" and so my first statement still holds. It would for Rogers too, but I think you two would be a hoot together.

Unless you want to re-start something with the ex, don't ask her. The nurse you met the other day would be better.

Any more options?

At 2:35 PM, Blogger ann said...

5) Moi

Pros: deep sexy breathing, sexy slinky bottom wiggling walking, hot, hot hot.

Cons: already taken ... sooooorrrry

At 2:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amaury Vachon ? Where'd you come up with that? Too bad Abbie Carmichael isn't around. You two would look good together. And she's hot too, no?

At 2:40 PM, Blogger Laura Elizabeth said...

Is Munch going to this thing?

Another option: my friend Evelyn has a friend named Carrie you might be interested in.

At 2:42 PM, Blogger ann said...

Mike, you are sooooooo funny; you still crack me up.

Now why's a cool guy like you beating yourself up over a date, when we know you'd have no trouble procuring ... sorry meant to say, securing some gorgeous chick.

Who's Munch taking? I still know a girl who would be perfect for him.

lotsa luv Ann xxxxx

Oh, Bobby, you're soooooo funny too. You crack me up

At 2:43 PM, Blogger Criminal Minds Fan said...

By all means tell about the girl you made googlie eyes at! Inquiring minds want to know.

At 2:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

4. Benson. Cuz it could get weird with 1&2 since you see the everyday at work. I thought Benson's partner was still married! That divorce hasn't went thru, has it? Such a shame.

At 2:55 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Just realized who LillyfromPhilly is. I think she has a thing for her partner. I heard she got upset when he went out with her sister. Now her sister, she works in bars, so chances are you may have met her already!

At 3:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yea, Olivia is off-limits. Even if Elliot isn't interested (*cough*yea right*cough*), that squad is pretty protective of her, seeing as she is the only female. They know your reputation, especially Cragen and Munch. They wouldn't let within 10 feet of her.

You could try Casey Novak, the SVU ADA. She's pretty and nice and has a brain.


At 3:24 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Smokin' and you know it.

At 4:15 PM, Blogger Mike said...

MMM, Novak. That's a thought. The Fallujah cop is maybe not so good. According to some, I am a cause of POSTD, so I should probably avoid someone who may have it. That nurse, on the other hand...

But I think I'm going to exploit our resources and call Philly. A slutty sister only ups the ante. And I can only help make the partner jealous.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger ann said...

MIke, honey, you are soooooooo funny. you crack me up. shame I don't understand a word of it (LOL). you are being funny, aren't you? .... hmmmm

lotsa luv Ann xxxxxx

At 5:15 PM, Blogger Faye_Hart said...

I have an idea. Ask Officer Bell for my friend Tiffany's number. They had fun but they're not gaga over each other and she loves boys in blue.


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