A Season of Mist
Well, went over to get my stuff. And Kate was out, all right. Out like a light, half on the bed, half on the floor. I'm not sure how much of the bottle of absinthe - Logan Fils brand, ironically enough - went down her throat, but there was a fair amount on the floor and in her hair.
I picked her up, and found what'd sent her off on this. Her mother's annual card had arrived. Great. I always whip those suckers right in the trash, after I made the mistake of opening the first one. But she sends 'em, year after year.
Kate's mom is a real piece of work. I've met very few people who I wouldn't trade mine for. This nutcase? Specializes in verbal abuse. When I met her, she gave me a dirty look and said "Irish, hunh? Maybe you can beat some sense into her." Nice. And mind you, that was when she liked me. She really thought Kate was a failure for going to school instead of getting a man with a "good job," like one in construction or something. Now, of course, I'm the lowest form of life imaginable, right after her own daughter.
I took a look, and sure enough, it was the same old crap. I swear, the effort that vicious old bat puts into these could save a rainforest or something. Why in the hell would Kate open it? Has she been opening the ones she gets every year?
I shoved the damn thing in my pocket to get rid of it later, and dealt with Kate instead. I cleaned her up and got her back in the bed while she mumbled and groaned. If I’ve learned nothing else in this life, I know how to handle a drunk.
By the time I had my things, and everything was taken care of, she was vaguely aware that I was there. So I sat next to her, waiting for her to go to sleep, giving her the same old reassurances about being there for her, no matter what, and that she’s never done anything wrong. I tell her the stuff she’s heard before, because it's what she needs to hear, and I don’t bring up the nightmares - I never do - because they always start with her and the things I should have said but didn’t. And what good would that do us now?
I left her sleeping, if not peacefully, at least quietly.
Hhmm. You see a lot of yourself in her, don't you? Kindred spirits, in a way.
It was kind of you to help her, considering the crap she's put you through over the last few weeks. If only all us girls were lucky enough to find a bloke with that kind of sensitivity, and caring nature...
'Scuse me. I'm gonna go mope, now.
It is difficult to find your way when you've had a heap of crap for parents. I just got a ton more respect for you, Mike. (Not that I didn't have anybefore!)
what a good friend you are!!
Okay, you win the sweetest man in the world award for today. You talk a loud game but you are a sensitive sweetie. Good for you! :)
That was very sweet.
Those cards sound like something my mother would do and say...I guess it's no wonder she doesn't know where I live anymore :)
wow. I feel kinda bad for her.
Absinthe, huh? Original recipe? With the wormwood? She's gonna be mighty sick, if that's the case.
Not too hard to see where she gets it from, huh? Not that that excuses anything, since there are people who've grown up in hellish conditions and turned out to be the salt of the earth. But at least it's explainable.
Good for you that you were able to take the high road and be a friend to someone who obviously needed it.
You really are a sweetheart, aren't you, Mikey?
And thankyou - yes, I read my own list again. It really does work.
Mikey, Mikey, I don't feel too good either; can you come over and tuck me in and make me feel all better, please, pretty please.
lotsa luv ann
Lol @ Ann! Mikey, you really are a sweetie! Remember though, talk to Alex about your relationship with KD.
I hope I find someone as sweet as you one day....
Maybe my mother and KD's mother are the same people....
Aweful nice of you to take care of her when she's hurting. Just be wary when she sobers up! :-)
you're a good person Mike
Allie, dont sell yourself short. You know what you're talking about.
I have to say it: "Absinthe makes the hands go fondle"
lol Axe !!
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