Yes, He Is That Stupid
Wondering where Mike's been?
Well, let's call this a litmus test of his intelligence. Never ever accept mystery brownies when you know somebody's mad at you. Or if you do, and then you come down with a mystery ailment that you politely call the stomach flu, don't keep eating the brownies! I think I'm going to stop soon. I'm concerned for his health; well, that and I'm spending a fortune on ex-lax.
Then again, when I start to feel sorry for the big lug, I just think about how that slurpee felt when he upended it on me. Excuse me...I think I have some baking to do.
JM, over and out.
oh you naughty naughty boy... tut tut...
... but I still luv ya...
Oh geez John.
Note to self-NEVER eat anything that John has given Mike for any reason ever!
Cruel, Munch. Very cruel. What on earth are you putting in those brownies?
Aww Mike, don't you ever learn? I would've thought getting stranded in Jersey would've learned you. Oh wait did he strand you or did you strand him? Anyway, it's funny.
Geez, Munch. Note to self: never tick Munch off...
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