Friday, August 04, 2006

Some Questions Answered

Here goes:
Carolyn: Absolutely, especially if you're cooking. Tonight? Tomorrow? ....wait, tomorrow afternoon, I'm seeing Lady in the Water and I think I'm supposed to buy dinner after, so, when?
Nomi: I've see Pirates a LOT. And I should mention how much I like your story. Fiction, thank everything, but better than most one comes across! At least I'm not going to Hogwarts in a Tardis or any weird crap like that. (However, for anyone reading this? Hogwarts in a Tardis beats kissing - or worse - a guy any day. So if you're writing, please take my opinion on that into account, please.) Seriously, people should look-see, because Nomi writes well.
Anonymous: Not that it's any of your bees-wax, but I am over 40 and Munch is over 50. That's as good as you get.
Riccie: The rabbit was offered drinks. He chose water and eating socks instead. I beleive Munch's socks are so old that they have hallucinogenic properties anyway.
Penguin: Hello! Glad you are well, and this goes for all of the penguin brigade.
Ann: Yes, I have been driven to Wang's, where I toasted you with a margarita and patted the luck cat for Fiona and all of your loved ones over there.
Elliot: I have met many english teachers - they're a little too crazy for me. I don't think I could hit that level of nuts if I tried.
And for anyone I missed...well, hello.
Ask, and you shall be answered - eventually.


At 10:27 AM, Blogger Carolyn Barek said...

Well, since you eliminated one of the choices I guess that would leave tonight. Anything particular you would like for me to fix? I was going to ask if there was anything you wouldn't eat but I've seen you eat so I already know the answer to THAT one.

At 3:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

English teachers....I don't think I could hit that level of nuts
More amusing than you could possibly imagine.

At 6:10 PM, Blogger ann said...

Mike you are still sooooooo funny, has anyone ever told you that?

Elliot very very amusing ... hmmm!

At 6:05 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

I have a question for you-Have you seen the Hobgoblin lately?

At 10:28 PM, Blogger Carolyn Barek said...

Hey, I didn't know they made a movie about you: Beerfest

At 11:16 PM, Blogger Nomi said...

Beerfest? LOL, Carolyn, very funny.

Mike, I'm glad you like. Did you get chapter 4? I emailed it to you this morning.

And, for the record, I'm tempted to write a romance hooking you up with Alex, just to piss off all the Bobby/Alex shippers out there. I hinted at a potential Mike/Alex in chapter 3, and the readers went beserk. Apparently hooking Alex up with anyone other than Bobby is a crime worthy of death... So, naturally, I want to antagonise all of 'em.

At 1:58 PM, Blogger Mike said...

I am ALL for pissing shippers off.

At 4:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot! » » »


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