Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Oh, my freakin' head

Anybody who voluntarily went out late/early last night is nuts. Some of us had to stumble home and change for work, though, and had to endure one of the season's first (edited)-numbing blasts of cold weather.
We were doing an elbow-bender in honor of Lenny Briscoe, and to fortify ourselves against the holiday season. I'm going to work Thanksgiving day, but Munch says he's got a plan for the evening, so we'll see.
I noticed Goren dug out a picture from when I was dating his sister...And here I was about to say something nice about the big guy. More thoughts on that later. For now, coffee, coffee, coffee.
Maybe some cinnamon thingys, too.


At 11:04 AM, Blogger ann said...

Mike, you crack me up. You are sooooooo funny - do you mean to be?

Bobby's photo of you helped me through a wicked afternoon; do you realise that photo did a good deed?

You finished the cinnamon danish yesterday, remember? Alex has probably saved you a stale scone.
Use your whipped cream on that.

Lotsa luv Ann xxxxxxx

At 11:37 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

I was wondering about how you handled Lenny's death. You and he were great together. Tell Munch I said "HI!"

At 12:46 PM, Blogger Ames said...

Aww, Lenny *sniffles*

Munch is wicked awesome, too.


At 1:22 PM, Blogger bogusboobs said...

I think there may be a few Y-chromosome types who have got the "fever." They're just a little less effusive than the X-brigade ...

At 3:01 PM, Blogger penguin_girl76 said...

I ain't crazy and I ain't a guy. (been watching too many movies.)

I miss Lenny. Say hi to Munch for me. If he had a blog I'd read it 50 times a day and post on it too. I love that paranoid delusional bean pole. :-D
I'm still laughing that he thinks we're all guys. That's a scary thought.

Your date looked like a blow up doll. eeeepppp!! haha

At 3:09 PM, Blogger Criminal Minds Fan said...

Tell Munch that we all love him and he definately should do a Blog! Everyone misses Lenny. I thought I remembered seeing that fuzzy slipper picture of you on someone else's blog. I am surprised that you dated an actress. Cool for you!


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