Wednesday, November 23, 2005

I'm up late

So, I stopped by a friend's place on the way home, and checked this out. Maybe I've had a few too many beers, but all I'm seeing is..."Desperate," "Sex," and people asking about the pillar at my desk, which I was going to talk about, but Munch here says you may be guys.
Good thing I found out people were reading it, though. I was about to write something about the recurring dream I have about Barek, Eames and a can of whipped cream...


At 1:06 AM, Blogger Ames said...

Dreams... Uhh, yeah. No. Not so much a good idea to post when you're drinking, heh heh.


At 1:29 AM, Blogger Criminal Minds Fan said...

Anytime you want to share your fantasies concerning whipped cream please feel free to post. We are all open to new ideas

At 2:07 AM, Blogger eliza said...

Funny,I have a similar dream,just involves 2 boys and me.LOL

Not a good idea to post when your drunk or tired,all sorts of things come out.

Eliza xxx

At 3:53 AM, Blogger Adina said...

No, no. You should let us know about this dream. It will be entertaining for us. And it's good to let everything out. And what is your desk situation? I thought after Barek arrived you got a new desk, one where you could actually face your partner instead of a a concret pillar. What a view...

At 3:53 AM, Blogger ann said...

Well it's morning in London and I've just woken from a wonderful dream - funny Mike - you weren't in it ...... but if you have any inspiration (look more than three letter word)to make my already saucy dreams even saucier, bring em on.

Lotsa luv Ann xxxxx

P.S. How could some of you girls never watch Sex in the City. I still grab an episode nearly every day. Last night I was in hysterics. Miranda wasn't getting any so she turned to chocolate cake and then she threw the cake in the bin and was so desperate she was eating it out of the bin, then she went back to her little girl's nightstand drawer and got out her best friend. I was rolling around - I wondered if someone had been spying on me. (LOL)

P.P.S. Bet you'd get rid of that Nicole in no time.

At 11:35 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

You hang out with Munch? Cool, he is a great detective too!


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